Behind the Pen: Life Experiences Through a Poetic Lens

Most Recent Addition: January 27, 2022 | Original Publication Date: Sept 7, 2016 It’s been almost exactly 14 years since I wrote my last poem titled, “Who I Am.” I highlighted the final lines of this poem in my post – The 4-Year Gap: My Blogging Blackout Period – my re-entry into the blogosphere. At the time, I chose to introduce those final lines as a way to connect the closure of one period to my life to the beginning of another. While I may not currently have the same creative energy to write poetry again, I still feel that I have […]
Tales from the Nomadic Adventure: Life on the Road

Most Recent Addition: January 27, 2022 | Original Publication Date: Aug 20, 2016 In April 2016, my wife and I put our life in the San Francisco Bay Area on pause and set out to explore the world. We had already traveled extensively during our first 5 and half years together. Yet, life in the Bay Area was becoming more financially and psychologically taxing. Given our reasonably good health and fairly young age (mid-30s), we decided it was an opportune time to enhance our relationship and life experiences before truly settling down. The Nomadic Adventure Series Throughout this mini-series, I’ll reflect […]
Tales from the Nomadic Adventure: The Back Story

It was the evening of February 27, 2011, while sitting on the sandy, rocky, sunlit shores in Pacific Grove, CA that I looked up to the sky and saw a sign that would forever change my life. I’d been working in the corporate world for about a decade and at my last “employer” for the previous 7 years. When I joined them back in 2004, I had every intention to stay 5 years and eventually leave to start my own thing. But starting your own thing back in 2004 was considerably different than doing so in 2011. In that brief […]
Behind the Power Curve: Private Pilot Stories & Videos

Throughout my last 8 years of private pilot flying, I’ve had the pleasure of sharing the skies with 46 different passengers in my 2-seat and 4-seat aircraft. Nearly half of my passengers have been first time general aviation flyers, hence their first time sitting in the right seat behind all those dials and switches. I’m sure each can remember one simple line from my pre-engine start briefing – “Before you touch anything, ASK ME FIRST.” 🙂 As I’ve stated in a previous post, I took a 4-year break from sharing my pilot adventures online. During my blogging blackout period, I […]
Self-Care Chronicles: 30-minute Mondays

Freedom is a privilege, an opportunity, and a responsibility. Being able to wake up everyday and practically do whatever you want is amazing and I wish it for everyone at some point in their lives. Yet, like most things in life, after awhile the awesomeness wears off and we find ourselves mentally shackled by our good fortune. Back in May, my wife and I hopped on a train for a weekend trip to Granada, Spain. At this point, we had been a month into our round-the-world trip journey and living in Sevilla, Spain. As someone who has been location independent […]
The 4-Year Gap: My Blogging Blackout Period

Wow, a lot has happened in 4 years! Since I last dedicated time to this website or wrote a simple blog post, my life has been quite an adventure. One would think that would have been enough to keep the fire burning to maintain an online presence. Yet for many reasons, some of which I’ll explain in this post, I simply didn’t contribute a single “personal” keyboard stroke to the web during these last four years. The Blackout Period Here’s just a quick snapshot of events in my life over the last nearly 1500 days since my blogging blackout began […]